Wednesday, May 2, 2007

hallo from NC

I'm in the triad (not to be confused with the triangle) and I'm really excited to be participating in my first sockapalooza. I picked out the pattern, Seize Diamondbacks (scroll down for pic), and I think I'm going to dye the yarn myself.

My pal seems to favor bright colors & lots of them in her socks and that will be fun to do. I will 'stalk' for a bit longer just to be sure I've got that right tho.

I have also heard from my pal, so much fun! I can be found here doing some quilting, gardening, and a whole lotta knitting.

1 comment:

Twinsunplus1 said...

Hey there! I am a fellow triad knitter--HP to be exact.

What a great sock pattern.