Thursday, May 3, 2007

My First Sockie EVER

Here he is, in all his glory. For more of the trials and tribulations that led to his successful completion, you can check in at my blog, but I'll cast on for his mate tonight. I also think I found the yarn for my pal's socks, but you can't see it! Or maybe I'll be sneaky and post it on my blog as a new stash addition, and then maybe she'll stumble across it but not know... This secret stuff is fun, and I was well-matched. I haven't gotten an email from my spoiler, but the lady I'm knitting for is awesome, and getting to know her makes me all the more certain her socks will be finished at the last minute, so that I have time to improve and really make her a treasure that fits!

1 comment:

tammy said...

Congratulations, it's a lovely sock!